What if Pinterest went away and it wasn’t just an April Fool’s Day joke? If you get most of your traffic from Pinterest, you need to find other ways to bring traffic to your site.
Speakers in Hangout Are:
Crystal Van Tassel of Crystalandcomp.com
Kelli Miller of 3Boysandadog.com
How Would Your Traffic Be Affected if Pinterest Was Gone?
What if Pinterest went away and it wasn’t just an April Fool’s Day joke? If you get most of your traffic from Pinterest, you need to find other ways to bring traffic to your site.
Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.
Work on things weekly or monthly to even out your traffic source. Ideally, you are receiving equal percentages from four traffic sources which each bring in 25% of your traffic, for a total of 100% of traffic.
In your tribe, work just as hard to promote them as yourself. On social media, it’s best to share others’ content 80% of the time and share your content 20% of the time.
Related: How to Grow Your Blog With a Tribe
Spend 5-10 minutes daily on each social media site you’re on. Focus on one for 30-60 minutes a day (i.e. Pinterest or Facebook).
Don’t understand Google Analytics or Webmaster Tools? You need the The #LearntoBlog Online Blog Class.
How to Bring in More Search Traffic Strategically With Keywords
Search which keywords are used in Google. Ask yourself, “how would I search?”Be deliberate and intentional.
Put your keyword in all of the right places (post title, URL, meta data, image name, alt text, in the first 150 words of your content, ideally once every 150 words of your content, etc.). However, be organic (no keyword stuffing).
What keywords is the best traffic coming from on Google? Plan to write multiple posts about that holiday or keyword.
Example keyword: “how to make sweet tea.” Also write separate posts about Chai, green, hot, regular, etc. types of tea. Interlink these posts, link to/from your landing pages, link out to others’ posts. Others will be more likely to link to you and share your posts since they are on the same topic. Say “Don’t forget to check out my other tea recipes.”
Related: How to Create Landing Pages for Your Blog
How to Get Referral Traffic from Other Bloggers
If you see something you like, but it’s not that season yet, pin it for later. Comment on their content. This puts you on other bloggers’ radar. Follow 10 pages in your genre for your audience.
Share from larger Facebook pages, it increases your Facebook post’s reach.
Again, don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. You can share on Twitter, Google+, Facebook. Comment on other blogs. Participate in linky parties. Work with a tribe.
Remember, the VIP Learn to Blog Forum is $7.99 a month (go here to join) with over 2,000 topics being discussed with actionable tasks for growing your blog. This forum is for the fully invested bloggers looking to make an income from their sites. The non-complainers. The folks wanting to invest in their businesses.
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