We are working our way through the major social media avenues to help you build blog community via your social media channels. This week, we are talking Facebook! With all the changes Facebook has undergone, our readers are simply not seeing our updates anymore. If the readers can’t see the updates, how are we going to reach them with the next great post we write? The next UH-MAY-ZING giveaway we have? The next funny story of our darling kids?
The video below will help you reach out to the ones that are missing out on your updates by following a few key tasks. We also discuss ways of increasing the number of Facebook fans you have, easily and organically, to help you to build blog community. Since Crystal and I are more Twitter fiends these days, we reached out to a few experts that have their Facebook Fan Pages going on!
Let’s look at the numbers!
Currently, you have 1000 fans and only 10% are seeing your updates, then only 100 people are being reached. However, if you can have 10,000 fans then 1,000 will see! So, while we always say that “numbers don’t matter”, in a sense they do! The more people in your communities, the more you can reach with your message.
Psst, check our services button for our online blog conference where we go into even more personalized detail to help you grow your facebook community and engagement! Classes start monthly on a first-come, first-served basis!
Links for More Ways to Build Blog Community:
- 3 Boys and a Dog – Gives a few more tips and ideas to help you grow your Facebook community involvement.
- Crystal and Comp – Breaks down each of the Utilizing Facebook tasks we give you in the video into actionable steps with tips and tricks!
We Love to hear from you:
- Like 3 Boys and a Dog on Facebook
- Like Crystal and Comp on Facebook
- Like our new #LearntoBlog page on Facebook so we can apply for our vanity URL! YAY!
Don’t forget to join us every Tuesday over on Google+ at 10:00 am CST for our #LearntoBlog series where we help you become a better blogger and answer all of your blogging questions.
Raki (Outside the Box Mom) says
Hi Ladies,
You can claim your vanity URL before you reach a certain number of likes. I used this tutorial here:
Thanks for all of the great information you provide us with!!!
Kelli Miller says
Perfect! I love learning new things. I will look into it later this week and see if we can get our Facebook fan page. Thanks bunches, Raki!