Not all bloggers are familiar with StumbleUpon, but it is a social media platform you should be utilizing. Some bloggers have better luck than others using it, but those who succeed get excellent amounts of traffic. With a little bit of knowledge and explaining, we can have you using SU to grow your blog’s exposure in no time. Quality social media usage is the goal here.
Kelli and I had the pleasure of interviewing Annie Shultz who has written an eBook about generating traffic for your site using StumbleUpon correctly. Great gal with lots of successful information and gets the majority of her blog traffic from this social media platform. It will blow your mind!
With the help of Annie, Kelli and I give you tasks to implement for successful exposure on StumbleUpon and we walk you through how StumbleUpon should be used as a blogger.
Links for Extra Information:
- Read about more Crystal’s take on this techie tool!
We Love to hear from you:
- Follow 3 Boys and a Dog on StumbleUpon.
- Follow Crystal & Co., on StumbleUpon.
Don’t forget to join us every Tuesday over on Google+ at 10:00 am CST for our #LearntoBlog series where we help you become a better blogger and answer all of your blogging questions.
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