Are you a blogger looking to deliberately grow your pageviews?
Kelli and I have been blogging for more than seven years each. We’ve both grown our sites over the years and there are a few things a blogger needs in order to do that. You need passion, which no one can teach, and you need deliberate actions. Are you ready to turn your blog into a business?
I remember when I decided to make that a goal for my site at the end of 2009 after standing in line getting a cookbook signed by Ree Drummond from Pioneer Woman. I knew bloggers had influence and that was one of the things that really sealed the deal for me.
One thing that Kelli and I do is utilize the tools available to us, including Google Analytics. The stats and data inside this free tool can change your site, if you’re serious about implementing the data.
Skyrocket Your Pageviews Using Google Analytics
If you’re new to blogging and wondering if you’ve installed Google Analytics correctly, we’re going to show you how to do that on day one. In this same video we will also show you how to make sure you do not have Google Analytics installed twice. You would be shocked how often this happens!
Are you more of a seasoned blogger and this is stuff you already know? No worries! We will also cover our super secret setting within GA that most bloggers do not have installed. This setting is going to be a game changer when it comes to increasing your revenue. Trust us!
Want to Soar?
What we are sharing in the course will bring growth, but I understand that some of you want to take your results even higher. Let’s face it, there is tons of data within Google Analytics.
For those of you who want to just go soaring, you will want the ecourse. It will include 31 additional actionable tasks covering more areas of the dashboard. We will dive deeper into Audience and Behavior, as well as Real Time Acquisition. The This ultimate guide contains over 30 bite-sized tasks using the data within your Google Analytics dashboard to grow your blog for just $74.99. Go here to get your copy!
Get Skyrocket the Workbook for just $19.99.
This workbook gives you a dedicated space to track your growth as you complete the 30+ actionable tasks in the e-course Skyrocket Your Blog Pageviews Using Google Analytics.
Become an Affiliate
Want to share this ecourse with all of your friends? Share the free ecourse with your friends, and share the ecourse. We offer an awesome affiliate program. You can learn more about being an affiliate here and get images for promotion. You will make 21% off each sale, allowing you to make back the money you paid for the ecourse after 5 sales. Pretty sweet deal!!
Listen, if you love our actionable task videos that we’ve shared in the past (over 80+ of them!) you’re going to love this course. We share transparently and using this same style. We teach and give you tasks. You implement and grow!
Request to Join the Learn to Blog Facebook Group
You will want to make sure you’re part of our Learn to Blog Facebook group too! It’s an awesome place to share and learn with others and grow your blog!
Karissa @WithOurBest says
Pageviews are very important to get your blog rolling! Thanks for the advice!
Cherri Megasko says
Oh, man … I missed the start date of the class! This would have been really helpful for me, too. Is it too late to join in?
Crystal VanTassel says
It is not too late. You can go here to see the two videos you missed:
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says
I love Google Analytics. It’s a great tool for tracking traffic and tailoring my keywords for better traffic. Great advice.
Crystal VanTassel says
We agree! There is game changing data in GA!
Jeanette says
I am totally obsessed with Google analytics. I check on it daily to make sure that my numbers are staying up and also what has gone viral.
Crystal VanTassel says
You can join the free ecourse here:
Jessica Harlow says
I’m so glad I found your post. I’ve joined both FB groups and look forward to learning. I learn something new about blogging every single day!
Melissa says
I joined the ecourse and have been getting the emails. I just got out of the hospital and haven’t had time to catch up just yet but plan on diving in right away. So excited!
Miles L. says
I’ve been using Google Analytics to see how my website is doing. This is truly a great tool.
Eileen Mendoza Loya says
These are all great tips. I have installed Google Analytics on my blog but I am not really sure what I need to read in there. I guess I have a lot to learn!
Chrystal | Nevermore Lane says
These days everyone talks about pageviews and while that is important to grow your blog, its not necessarily the only way to be successful. I know bloggers who get 2500-5000 PV a month and they still make good money. A lot of it is products to sell, presentation, affiliates, and the power of social media. I have been successful with 5k PV and with 50k PV. I dont want bloggers to get discouraged just because they have lower numbers because you can still make a considerable income from less pageviews. I think if more people knew that they would stick with blogging instead of quitting because they feel they can’t compete with the big number bloggers.
Crystal VanTassel says
Hi Chrystal. I agree completely that you do not have to get a million pageviews a month to be successful at blogging. That said, many bloggers who are running their sites as a business do want to continue to grow in pageviews and it is so easy to plateau. This course and ebook allow you to use the tools available to you to understand your reader and their behaviors better.
I do think it is very important to learn how to maximize your profits while at a lower monthly pageview, if you are blogging as a business, do you are set up for even better success as your site takes off.
Ann Bacciaglia says
This would be such a interesting course to take. I will have to share this with my Sister. She has been blogging for a year now and is looking to learn ore about expanding.
Chubskulit Rose says
I use google analytics as well and it does help in tracking your blo]g progress. MY goal this year is to reach 1 m pegviews for my blogs.
Christie @ Raising Whasians says
This is so intriguing as a blogger. We always want to grow, this looks amazing
Sicorra@NotNowMomsBusy says
If you want to make money with your blog having a high pageview count is important because so many companies that connect bloggers with brands use that as a measuring stick.
So from that perspective it is important to find ways to boost your pageviews so that your Google Analytics stats look good.
Jessica Simms says
I have low numbers, about 1/8 of what I used to get when I was a coupon/freebie blogger. The Difference is I love what I do now and I’m not chasing any crowds and trying to tackle down fans for page views. I get around 2500 page views a month 🙁 when that’s what I was used to A DAY not 3 years ago. I am very interested in learning how to increase my page views with engaging readers.
Christa says
Oh no I missed it! I would love to have been there. I’m a blog coach and I’m always looking at cutting edge things like this. Maybe I’ll get on this affiliate thing. (Especially for my big group of bloggers).
Dogvills says
I have google analytics, but I’ve never tried using it to increase my page views. I will look more into this.
Ron Leyba says
This could be a great reference material for many bloggers. Google analytics data is a goldmine that if you utilize it well, you are on the good track!
HilLesha says
I have been blogging since 2004, but there’s always room to grow and learn on improving my outreach. I’ll definitely have to look into this!
Kiwi says
I am excited Google Analytics are definitely important for any bloggers. It will get you opportunities that you really want to take your blog to next level.
Michele D says
Sounds like an informative class to be apart of . It’s important for bloggers to know about GA. Thank you for sharing these tips and suggestions.
Jodie says
It’s a plaeruse to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly
Shannon Gurnee says
I would love to grow my blog and that’s what I’m focusing on a lot this year! I signed up for this class and look forward to it!
Cheyanne says
In awe of that anewsr! Really cool!
Gill {from} says
This whole website seems like a fab resource for growing my blog. I will be pinning and saving for later 🙂