As bloggers, folks in this space every single day (usually for much too long), we know that in order to reach a wider audience, we need people in the trenches with us getting our names out. 🙂 So, now that our ebook, SKYROCKET Your Blog Using Google Analytics has completely launched (and we are working on our second book), we found that it was time to start an Ambassador Program.
So, we would like to introduce you to our April 2016 Ambassadors!
Meet the April 2016 SKYROCKET Ambassadors:
We are kicking off our Ambassadorship program and wanted to introduce you to those ladies that made it past our pretty intense application process to become our very first SKYROCKET Ambassadors!
Perks of being a SKYROCKET Ambassador:
1. They will earn an affiliate bonus for all books sold using your affiliate id for the month of April.
2 We will promote their stuff.
3. They are joining us in a private Facebook group built just for our ambassadors where they will be privy to private information and brainstorming sessions to help grow their sales even more!
4. They get to call themselves SKYROCKET Ambassadors and will get this post linking to their sites and social media accounts. 😉
Without further ado, lets meet our girls!
Cristi of Keeper of the Memories
Cristi is a 33 year old artist, writer, and blogger. She is also the keeper of the memories and a first-time mama to little baby E. You can find her as well as her take on all things creativity & crafts and being a creative mama at Keeper of the Memories.
You can find Cristi around the web if you have any questions about her blog or the SKYROCKET Book:
- Follow @cristiwuenschel on Twitter
- Like The Keeper of the Memories on Facebook
- See what Cristi is pinning
- See what Cristi shares on G+
Dollie of Joy in the Home & Focused Blogging Conference
Dollie Freeman is head-over-heels in love with her husband of nearly 25 years of marriage, the mother of four blessings, all of which has been homeschooled. Having a heart to mentor other women, she started blogging, in September 2012, with the intent to make money while share her passions online. Since then, she rebranded her site to Joy in the Home, which fits her voice, and the direction she has planned for her online presence. Taking her love of mentoring to another level, she started Focused Blogging Conference, a hands-on conference in Richmond, Virginia.
You can find Dollie around the web if you have any questions about her blog, her conference, or the SKYROCKET Book:
- Follow @FocusedBC on Twitter
- Like Focused Blogging Conference on Facebook
- See what Focused Blogging Conference is pinning
- See what Dollie shares on G+
Ellen of Confessions of an Overworked Mom
Ellen is a busy mom of two – an 18 year old son and a 22 year old daughter. She’s passionate about healthy living and slowing down to enjoy life at its fullest.
Confessions of an Overworked Mom is a blog devoted to showing women that healthy living doesn’t have to be difficult or take a lot of time. I share easy ways to get healthier and happier one day at a time.
You can find Ellen around the web if you have any questions about her blog (she actually has SIX blogs, so be sure to ask her about them) or the SKYROCKET Book:
- Follow @ellenblogs on Twitter
- Like Confessions of an Overworked Mom on Facebook
- See what Ellen Blogs is pinning
- See what Ellen shares on G+
Herchel of Gym. Craft. Laundry.
Herchel Scruggs is a SAHM living a life fueled by coffee and laughter in peaceful North Florida. She survived her husband’s four year deployment overseas with her sanity mostly intact and is happy to finally have him home. She works out and crafts to balance out the misery caused by the never-ending piles of unfolded laundry.
Gym Craft Laundry is a parenting lifestyle blog designed for the busy moms of active families. She shares parenting tips and tricks, quick crafts, easy recipes, and ideas for family fun. Remember, the chores will be there tomorrow. Have fun with your family today!
You can find Herchel around the web if you have any questions about her blog or the SKYROCKET Book:
- Follow @gymcraftlaundry on Twitter
- Like Gym Craft Laundry on Facebook
- See what Herchel is pinning
- See what Herchel shares on G+
Mitzi of Written Reality
Mitzi Smith is a writer and speaker who loves sharing DIY projects, recipes, and smart mom solutions.
Visit her at Written Reality where she shares her experiences about life, faith, and family fun.
You can find Mitzi around the web if you have any questions about her blog or the SKYROCKET Book:
- Follow @MitziCSmith on Twitter
- Like Written Reality on Facebook
- See what Mitzi is pinning
- See what Mitzi shares on G+
Raki of Outside the Box Mom
Raki Wright is a wife, mom of two, coffee drinker, list maker. She puts her UNC Tarheels’ degree in Communication Studies to use at an advertising agency and her hands-on experience as a working mom to use on her blog Outside the Box Mom.
You can find Raki around the web if you have any questions about her blog or the SKYROCKET Book:
- Follow @OutTheBoxMom on Twitter
- Like Outside the Box Mom on Facebook
- See what Out The Box Mom is pinning
- See what Raki shares on G+
Would you like to be considered for future Ambassadorships? Get our book and start implementing it ASAP, then apply here!
[…] a creative mama looking to become a blogging rockstar, then don’t forget to sign up for Organizing Your Blogging Time & Space via email. Each month, I’ll send out a newsletter filled w/ ideas for growing your blog & […]