Kelli and I teach you in our free learn to blog hangouts, in our VIP forum challenges and in our blogger SEO class that we need to diversify our blog traffic. We’ve been saying this for at least two years and reminding you that it is a bad idea to put all of your blogging eggs in one basket.
That said, as bloggers it is vital that we understand the platforms where our readers live. Our readers live with Facebook attached to their hip. They carry their phones everywhere they go. Our readers adore Pinterest… it is quickly becoming a go to search engine since it because a blogger’s best friend in 2011. Add to that Instagram and how some bloggers are getting more referral traffic from this platform than any other.
And here is the deal, having social proof is a huge player in garnering SEO authority for our websites. We talk about this in our classes.
The question remains, how do we become more likeable on social media?
A few months back I watched an interview with Sway Group’s Allison Talamantez over on the American Marketing Association which lead me to some interviews and information about Dave Kerpen and his newly revised book Likeable Social Media.
Intrigued, I ordered his book. Upon arrival, I was hooked. I knew I had to share this with you guys.
Social media is an element I hear bloggers complain about contently. We’ve heard it all. “My reach on Facebook is down… readers ignore me there. Pinterest is the only social media platform I get referrals from. Should I really care about Instagram? Is Twitter dead? So many placed to be and so few hours in a day.”
The fact is, our readers are not all in one place. We talk about this in our SEO class. We have to be visible and available to them in all places.
Does that stress you out?
I want to dissect Likeable Social Media with you guys, one chapter at a time. We moan and groan about Facebook, but folks, did you know the LIKE button is clicked 2 BILLION times a day on Facebook? If you’re not getting clicks it is time to evaluate how likeable you are on this platform and how likeable the content you’re sharing is.
We complain about Pinterest’s new smartfeed, but come on… our readers are over there. Stop complaining and get with the program or you are going to be left behind.
Over the next few months we are covering this book with brainstorming questions, discussions, some videos and lots of sharing over on the VIP forum with a board that is dedicated to this book. All heavy hitting social media is covered in this study.
Finding this a bit late? No problem. The way this is set up on the forum is very organized and you can jump in at any time starting on chapter one whenever it works for you. No worries if you get behind, you can essentially do this at your own pace following along and catching up at your own speed. As long as you are a VIP forum member, you have access to this book study always and forever.
Remember, the VIP Learn to Blog Forum is $7.99 a month (go here to join) with over 2,000 topics being discussed with actionable tasks for growing your blog. This forum is for the fully invested bloggers looking to make an income from their sites. The non-complainers. The folks wanting to invest in their business.
Grab a copy of the book over on Amazon. Kelli has the Kindle version. I have the paperback. Some are even using the audio version! Do whichever works best for you!
Don’t forget, the VIP forum is all about growth for your website. Not only can you join us in this books study, but you also will want to check out our 40+ actionable task challenges that help you grow, grow, grow. There is even a 6 day challenge for growing your AdSense revenue. Score!!
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