Are you making the most of your seasonal or holiday content? While you can make do with evergreen content and pillar content, you really should have seasonal and holiday content to supplement. It can be a nice way to get you through seasonal slumps in traffic. If you have been blogging for awhile, and even if you haven’t, here are some of our favorite tips for howto update and promote seasonal content. Get your editorial calendar prepared 6 weeks out, we will leave our next post as an example of a great content using a t-booster supplement as the product as this is something reachable, popular and a must to buy. Start writing those posts.
Ask yourself these questions and then do the tasks with each set of questions.
Q1: Do you check your analytics daily? What aspects do you look at?
Q2: Do you know what your top 5 posts were last season (for example, if it’s Winter, what were your top posts from last Winter)?
ACTIONABLE TASK 1: Check Google Analytics and compare to last season (set your dates to this time and compare to this time LAST YEAR).
Q3: Do you know what evergreen words you’re ranking for currently?
Q4: How often do you check your webmaster tools search queries?
ACTIONABLE TASK 2: Check Webmaster Tools to determine 3 keywords you want to work on for the upcoming season.
Q5: Is your site really ready for a viral Seasonal/Holiday post?
Q6: How are you capturing visitors?
ACTIONABLE TASK 3: Install a visible email subscription option. (like HelloBar)
Q7: Do you have an open line of communication with a LIVE person where your site is hosted?
Q8: Can the server you’re on handle viral traffic or are you throttled?
ACTIONABLE TASK 4: Ensure your server can handle viral traffic.
Q9: What posts will you create off of your Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools research?
Q10: How long does it take to get your seasonal content all over the internet?
ACTIONABLE TASK 5: Get your editorial calendar prepared 6 weeks out. Start writing those posts.
Seasonal Posts – In addition to my above keywords, I am also working on some seasonal content like Valentine’s Day Printables and Seasonal Recipes — these aren’t keywords, really. I am not trying to rank at this point, they are my social media specific posts. I add each in for the week. Sometimes the keywords from step three coincide with my seasonal. For example: I am working on some find the letter printables that are Valentine specific. I recently did some books for kids that were for Martin Luther King Day, etc.
(More tips in this challenge:,754.msg2663.html#msg2663)
Step Seven: Repeat this for a few days and see what happens!! Each day, you will choose different boards to pin from and to. Then, once you have pinned from/to all the boards in your list, you will check the dates for the one that was pinned to the longest ago and start back there. Each month, you may want to create a special board that just houses content for that month and start switching between top content and seasonal content – make sense?
Trust me, this works! But, you don’t have to put your blind faith in me. I attached a screen capture of my Pinterest Analytics AND a screen capture of ym blog analytics for pinterest. Both the past 30 days!
(More tips in this challenge:,770.msg2753.html#msg2753)
Continue working on your seasonal posts throughout the year and back-date them as you need.
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